MIGRAINES - Migraines (1997)
Alternative Pop,Rock,Punk

Released as "Shut Up" in 1999
01 I'm A Wuss
02 Bikini Spider
03 Mall Hair
04 I'll Be Glad When You're Gone
05 Pha-Q!
06 I Don't Wanna Grow Up
07 She's A Beast
08 I Wanna Kill Elvis
09 Lorena
10 Daddy Wears Mommy's Things
11 Venus Sex Fiend
12 Shut Up
Link to download:
http://rapidshare.de/files/29830495/Migraines_-_Shut_Up__160kbpsWMA_.txt (WMA 160 kbs)
http://rapidshare.de/files/29830494/Migraines_-_Shut_Up__128kbpsMP3_.txt (MP3 128 kbs)
"The Migraines are a pop-punk band with clean vocals that are easy to understand, but can be rough when they want to, and catchy beats that will find your feet and make them tap along with the melody.
The CD starts off with "I'm A Wuss." As the leader shouts out, "I try to be cool, but no matter what I do/The ending of sad movies makes me cry/I try so hard, but I'll never be a part/of the tough guys and I realize...I'm a wuss," you'll be jumping around to the fast guitars, hard hitting percussion, and thumping bass that keeps everything together. When the chorus hits you'll be thrown back in amazement. The chorus makes the song that much more infectious, and you'll be eaten alive. "Mall Hair" brings some bright comedy your way. A song about all the girls at the mall still styling their hair like it's 1983. It starts out with a nice bass intro, while the vocals tell the tale of how "Mall Hair" brings back memories. Now I'm a sucker for music when it's just back and vocals, whether it be in the chorus, or the beginning. I love it! Then the rest of the band jumps into the mix, and then the fire is turned up a 100 degrees. The guitars add the hooks, while the bass adds depth. The drums add intensity, and everything is thrown at you with so much feeling. You can tell these guys do what they do because they love it, not because they want to make a quick buck. "Pha-Q" brings back another bass intro which drives chills up my spine. The song itself is a serious song, that takes a humorous approach to get it's message across. With lyrics like "I don't wanna die from gang warfare/I don't wanna die wearing dirty bikini underwear/I don't wanna die mugged for cab fare/I don't wanna die sitting in some squeaky chair." Armed with a powerful guitar, fierce bass lines, and of course the necessary hurt the drummer puts on the skins this band drives through all the shit and throws anger in your face a way that everyone can understand, humor. A very nice song, that keeps to their rule of throwing in thick hooks and bright melodies to grab a hold of the listener and take him for a ride. Seeing how the media has been covering Elvis on his anniversary, here's a track for everyone: "I Wanna Kill Elvis." Now, assuming Elvis is dead this is impossible. But these guys are pretty angry at him for taking the "King of Rock" crown away from their idol, Buddy Holly. Calm down guys, it's all history under the bridge. Does violence solve anything? No, but this song is pretty funny to listen to and will get you singing along in no time with it's infectious beats and strong vocals. "Daddy Wears Mommy's Things" is a fast, cut right to the good stuff, kind of song. It's intense, powerful, fast, and very humorous. For the record, it's the funniest track on the CD. Some bands throw humor at you, but have no substance, but these guys do it both! The CD ends with the title track.
Twelve tracks, a little over thirty minutes of music, and a great time are what you can expect from this CD. It's got enough hooks to reel in the big one, enough humor to make you crack up hysterically, and enough raw intensity to make you want to jump around and just have a great time. How can you go wrong with something like this? I'll give the CD an A-.(Alex Steininger)
"Catchy pop rock and roll at its finest. Why this group was never popular,leaves me at wonder. Vocals set the tone for this catchy class of its'own right. Think Screeching Weasel but only better with more catch. The band has a very humorous side and these songs show it. Favorite songs are"Daddy wears mommys things,Im a wuss,Mall hair,Dont wanna grow up,Glad to see you go". This is a good release."
The first punk album on my blog! :)
Many thanks for the original uploader!!
Alternative Pop,Rock,Punk

Released as "Shut Up" in 1999
01 I'm A Wuss
02 Bikini Spider
03 Mall Hair
04 I'll Be Glad When You're Gone
05 Pha-Q!
06 I Don't Wanna Grow Up
07 She's A Beast
08 I Wanna Kill Elvis
09 Lorena
10 Daddy Wears Mommy's Things
11 Venus Sex Fiend
12 Shut Up
Link to download:
http://rapidshare.de/files/29830495/Migraines_-_Shut_Up__160kbpsWMA_.txt (WMA 160 kbs)
http://rapidshare.de/files/29830494/Migraines_-_Shut_Up__128kbpsMP3_.txt (MP3 128 kbs)
"The Migraines are a pop-punk band with clean vocals that are easy to understand, but can be rough when they want to, and catchy beats that will find your feet and make them tap along with the melody.
The CD starts off with "I'm A Wuss." As the leader shouts out, "I try to be cool, but no matter what I do/The ending of sad movies makes me cry/I try so hard, but I'll never be a part/of the tough guys and I realize...I'm a wuss," you'll be jumping around to the fast guitars, hard hitting percussion, and thumping bass that keeps everything together. When the chorus hits you'll be thrown back in amazement. The chorus makes the song that much more infectious, and you'll be eaten alive. "Mall Hair" brings some bright comedy your way. A song about all the girls at the mall still styling their hair like it's 1983. It starts out with a nice bass intro, while the vocals tell the tale of how "Mall Hair" brings back memories. Now I'm a sucker for music when it's just back and vocals, whether it be in the chorus, or the beginning. I love it! Then the rest of the band jumps into the mix, and then the fire is turned up a 100 degrees. The guitars add the hooks, while the bass adds depth. The drums add intensity, and everything is thrown at you with so much feeling. You can tell these guys do what they do because they love it, not because they want to make a quick buck. "Pha-Q" brings back another bass intro which drives chills up my spine. The song itself is a serious song, that takes a humorous approach to get it's message across. With lyrics like "I don't wanna die from gang warfare/I don't wanna die wearing dirty bikini underwear/I don't wanna die mugged for cab fare/I don't wanna die sitting in some squeaky chair." Armed with a powerful guitar, fierce bass lines, and of course the necessary hurt the drummer puts on the skins this band drives through all the shit and throws anger in your face a way that everyone can understand, humor. A very nice song, that keeps to their rule of throwing in thick hooks and bright melodies to grab a hold of the listener and take him for a ride. Seeing how the media has been covering Elvis on his anniversary, here's a track for everyone: "I Wanna Kill Elvis." Now, assuming Elvis is dead this is impossible. But these guys are pretty angry at him for taking the "King of Rock" crown away from their idol, Buddy Holly. Calm down guys, it's all history under the bridge. Does violence solve anything? No, but this song is pretty funny to listen to and will get you singing along in no time with it's infectious beats and strong vocals. "Daddy Wears Mommy's Things" is a fast, cut right to the good stuff, kind of song. It's intense, powerful, fast, and very humorous. For the record, it's the funniest track on the CD. Some bands throw humor at you, but have no substance, but these guys do it both! The CD ends with the title track.
Twelve tracks, a little over thirty minutes of music, and a great time are what you can expect from this CD. It's got enough hooks to reel in the big one, enough humor to make you crack up hysterically, and enough raw intensity to make you want to jump around and just have a great time. How can you go wrong with something like this? I'll give the CD an A-.(Alex Steininger)
"Catchy pop rock and roll at its finest. Why this group was never popular,leaves me at wonder. Vocals set the tone for this catchy class of its'own right. Think Screeching Weasel but only better with more catch. The band has a very humorous side and these songs show it. Favorite songs are"Daddy wears mommys things,Im a wuss,Mall hair,Dont wanna grow up,Glad to see you go". This is a good release."
The first punk album on my blog! :)
Many thanks for the original uploader!!
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