HONGKONG SYNDIKAT - Never too much (1986)

Members :
GERD PLEZ - Vocal,Synth (some lyrics of Falco)
GEORGE CROSTEWITZ - Guitar (Schatzi - Die Kult/Amex Love)
Ingrid and Marion Welser - background vocals,Lee White - bass, Charly Bacher - Trumpet
produced by Gerd Plez & Hans Schmidt-Theißen
remixed by Charles Bacher & Hans Schmidt-Theißen

Tracklist :
01 Too Much (5:33)
02 Flash (5:04)
03 Conret & Clay (2:37)
04 Rock'N'Roll Has Got To Go (4:40)
05 Girls I Love (4:15)
06 Loosin' Winnin' (3:55)
07 Let's Come Together (4:25)
08 The Birds (5:02)
Link to download:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LYPXZEOD 192 kbs
Hongkong Syndikat was a popular German synth-pop band with 3 well known chart songs : "Too Much", "Concret & Clay" and "Girls I Love".Their second album "Of Teutons Pas Japanese" appeared the following year without succes.
If you have Olympia and Des Teutons Pas Nippons ,post them please!!!
Albums :
OLYMPIA (1984)
More info:
http://www.plez.de/ Page of Gerd Plez

REPOSTED ALBUMS by reqs (Im sorry for Megaupload,but all slots are busy on Rapidshare and filesend for two days...)
Red Flag - naive art
re flex -first album 1983
from Thompson twins :
big trash
from Altered Images :
bite plus
pinky blue
Im going to continue next time with more from Altered Images,Thompson Twins,Roy Ayers ...
... and hopefully some Yukihiro Takahashi? Blue Moon Blue!
Great stuff -- all the best!
and while you're at it - that Wild & Moody album feat. "Stranger things have happened" would be highly appreciated as well. thx a million...
Patiently awaiting for the live TTs. Thanks again.
[About The "Thompson Twins" albums]
"Domo arigato" for the re-posts my friend SAL, but i'm not obtaining to make the album download's for the megaupload server. A message error of that all slots used for my country it appears :(
Help me please!
Arigato gozaimasu ^^
Thank you for reposting the Altered Images CDs. You really made my day. I'm so ecstatic and screaming at this point of writing. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Salty big thanks for hint about rapget, I've been trying unsucessfully downloading your Honkong Syndicate upload like for ages, my tricks haven't worked.
Sugoi ^^
I don't have more problems with the megaupload...
These re-posts make me very happy and waiting for more albums of the Thompson Twins!
You're a good friend, SALTY!
Domo arigato
Patiently awaiting for the TT albums:
Forgives friend Hyoga, only now I could see your post...
Yes, I'm Japanese guy ^^
The music of my country is really interesting and peculiar. During 80 years we had a musical movement called "Visual Kei" initiated for the "X-Japan" band (that equivalent to the New Romantics in the aesthetic/design/fashion). Also existed great influences of heavy metal, darkwave, industrial rock, punk rock,...
I have some material in vinyl of bands this period, also some that you cited. When I will be able to convert and to carry through upload of this material, I leave a message/link for you in this way.
It takes that let us can share good musics ^^
Sore ja
Also exists influences of glam metal genre in the "Visual Kei" moviment.
Some bands adopt a colourful and fantastic image, taking inspiration from computer roleplaying games and anime ^^
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Chaudhry brutally beaten On one occasion in the video, Talal Chaudhry could hear telling police officers. That he could “take note of the contacts of all these ‘his’ women and call anyone he wanted [to confirm the facts].” ۔
“I’m standing here,” he says, “before his phone restored, the truth will come out.”
Please re-up the Hong Kong Syndikat albums
thanks so much
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