Saturday, October 28, 2006

Josef K - Two Albums

Josef K
Members: Paul Haig - guitar, vocals, songwriting, Malcolm Ross - guitar, violin, David Weddell - bass, Ronnie Torrance - drums.

Genre: Rock
Style: Post-punk

The Only Fun In Town/ Sorry for Laughing

Josef K emerged from the Scotland post-punk scene as one of the leading lights but yet sunk almost without trace only a couple of years later. This collection comprises their initial attempt at releasing an album which was subsequently scrapped by the band themselves and the reworking of it which was eventually re-released. As you can imagine then, there is a certain amount of overlap on this 25-track compilation. In truth it's difficult to say which version of the album is better; the first attempt contained what is probably their best song, the atypically slower 'It's Kinda Funny' (which demonstrates that though Josek K could play their guitars unspeakably fast whilst retaining melody they could make languid songs of aching beauty) plus gems such as 'Forever Drone' and 'Heart Of Song' whilst the second contains classics like 'Endless Soul' and 'Variation Of Scene'. Another point worth making is that the Josef K compilation from 1998, 'Endless Soul' contains most of the best songs on offer here and with considerably clearer production which these version seem to suffer from in comparison. However, despite this, it is a credit to Josef K's unique style that even though some chord changes are submerged in the mix the signs of intricate inventiveness still shine through.


1. Fun N' Frenzy
2. Revelation
3. Crazy To Exist
4. It's Kinda Funny
5. The Angle
6. Forever Drone
7. Heart Of Song
8. 16 Years
9. Citizens
10. Sorry For Laughing
11. Fun N' Frenzy
12. Heads Watch
13. Drone
14. Sense Of Guilt
15. Art Of Things
16. Crazy To Exist
17. Citizens
18. Variation Of Scene
19. Terry's Snow Lies
20. No Glory
21. Endless Soul
22. Sorry For Laughing

Download Link

Young & Stupid

Despite only ever releasing one album it's a testament to Josef K's importance that they have had four CDs compiled of their work in the same number of years. 'Young And Stupid' collects together their singles plus B-sides as well as live recordings, demos and Peel Sessions. Admittedly nearly all of these tracks have appeared on previous recordings but the singles in particular overshadow the inferior production on the original album sounding much more crisp and precise. At their best, as on 'Radio Drill Time', 'Sorry For Laughing', 'Endless Soul' and 'Chance Meeting' it's hard to imagine how the guitar duo of Paul Haig and Malcolm Ross managed to play quite so accurately and frenetically without ruining their fingers permanently. More than just a one-card trick Josef K were equally adept at slower, moving records as the ever-enduring 'It's Kinda Funny' shows. Of the lesser-known work 'Torn Mentor' is the nearest the group get to aping Joy Division's 'Closer' album but 'Applebush', sung by Malcolm Ross's wife, is an extra which most can do without; it's more Dislocation Dance than the angular funk-inspired work which were their forte. Of the collections so far this perhaps edges it for containing superior single versions and very decent B-sides.


1. Romance
2. Chance Meeting
3. Radio Drill Time
4. Crazy To Exist (Live)
5. It's Kinda Funny
6. Final Request
7. Sorry For Laughing
8. Revelation
9. Chance Meeting
10. Pictures (Of Cindy)
11. The Angle (One Angle)
12. The Angle (Second Angle)
13. The Missionary
14. Heart Of Song
15. Applebush
16. Heaven Sent
17. Endless Soul
18. Radio Drill Time (Demo)
19. Torn Mentor
20. Night Ritual
21. Adoration (Live 16.8.81)

Download Link:

Reviews taken from:

If you wan't to know more about Josef K, see this article in Wikipedia.

Greetings for all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi from marcus
thanx again! wonderful sounds!

5:34 PM  
Blogger David Villagrán Ruz said...

Hi Niandi

I have some paul haig solos (the warp of pure fun, rhythm of life, memory palace, some singles, 12", etc)
and I'm trying to get more by soulseek.

think i'll post in next post, maybe.


5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you please reupload the links to the Josef K albums? It would be much aprreciated. Or you can send me the link to:

Thanks a lot!

8:21 AM  
Blogger SOLOMUSIKA said...

Thanks so much *__*

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