An excellent Hungarian Progressive band which shows all the qualities from the masters of the Progressive scene, a bit in the same way as COLLAGE in Poland.
Jazz Rock; Prog. Rock; Instrumental Rock
Recent Lineup:
Péter Dorozsmai / drums, percussion, synthesizer
Péter Móczán / bass, programming
Géza Pálvölgyi / keyboards, program
Tamás Varga / vocals, percussion
János Karácsony / guitar
Tamás Mohai / guitar
Miklós Mákó / trumpet
Ferenc Muck / sax

JÁTÉKOK (1981)
01 Nyitány (overture)
02 Messze a felhőkkel (far away with the clouds)
03 Szállj most fel (fly up now)
04 Kék-fekete látomás (blue - black vision)
05 Gyémántmadár (diamond bird)
06 Lélegzet (breath)
07 Nézz rám (look at me)
08 Üzenet (message)
09 Epilóg (epilogue)
10 Remény (exectation)
Link to download:

HŰSÉG (1982)
01 Hűség (faith)
02 Keresd önmagad (search yourself)
03 Mágikus erő (magical power)
04 Én voltam (it was me)
05 A végtelen tér öröme (the happiness of the endless space)
06 Újjászületés (born again)
07 Ablakok (windows)
08 Vesztesek (loosers)
09 Felhőkön sétálva (walking on the clouds)
10 Várni kell (you must wait)
11 Merengés (meditation)
Link to download:
"Ok, ok, so the 1980's was the decade of "digital music", mtv, dance music and all other things "modern". For progressive rock, it was a very weak decade and hardcore prog fans dismiss the 1980's as the "decade of nothing good for progressive". That is mainly true to an extent but there are some gems from this decade if one looks hard enough. "Huseg" from the Hungarian band East is one such gem. Using the complex styles from 1970's prog bands, "Huseg" blends complex head-spinning guitar solos by Janos Varga along with more modern keyboards. Some people will have a hangup with the use of digital keyboards on this album but let me assure you these keyboard solos are blazing and everybit as impressive as the 70's legendary keyboards from Tony Banks, Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman, etc... Vocals in Hungarian and some of the suites delivery a sincere, yet melancholy message. A 1980's prog classic."

01 Rések a falon
02 Az idegen
03 Mintha mégis
04 Száguldj velem
05 Különvonaton
06 Földközelben
07 Agymosás
08 Az utolsó éjszaka
09 Az óra jár
10 Tánc a parázson
Link to download:


01 Szodoma
02 Árverés
03 Asszonyok panaszdala
04 Átoktánc
05 Lea
06 Pusztulás
Link to download:
"An oddity in the catalogue of the Hungarian band East, this album of instrumental, programmatic music written to accompany a ballet was released in 1984, after most had written them off after the mediocre Rések a falon album.That said, it’s rather of its time in terms of production, and the fact that the opening (eight minutes) and closing (ten minutes) contain much music that is virtually identical rather undercut the album’s impact. Still, the synthesizer tones are actually quite strong, and there’s a fire and energy to much of the album that makes the similarity of the opening and closing tracks...not matter quite so much.Oddly, the most unique track on the album is a duet between a drum machine and real drums. It can possibly be interpreted as some sort of “statement” about the mechanization of society, or something, but I just thought it was one of the few really creative uses of a drum machine from that time. Even better, I could actually picture dancers on stage performing to the music."

péter dorozsmai-drums, percussion, synthesizer /péter móczán- bass, programming /géza pálvölgyi- keyboards, program /tamás varga-vocals, percussion /jános karácsony- guitar / tamás mohai -guitar/ miklós mákó- trumpet/ ferenc muck-saxophone
01 David Bowie szeme (David Bowies eyes)
02 Fényes ösvény (shining path)
03 Mama (mama)
04 Iránytű nélkül (without compass)
05 A bál (the ball)
06 A szerelem sivataga (the desert of love)
07 A szél, az álom és a tündér (the wind,the dream and the fairy)
08 Ketten a havon (together on the snow)
09 Várom az ünnepeket (wating for the holidays)
10 Túlélők (survivors)
11 ’56
Link to download:
"I got A Szerelem Sivataga on 12 March, 1999 and I can just recommend this product to anyone. I was so pleased on 12 March, 1999 when I bought my A Szerelem Sivataga. I was surprised that A Szerelem Sivataga was so beautiful, Periferic really knows how to please customers. A Szerelem Sivataga is one of my nicest presents. Periferic has done a really pretty job! Periferic has done a very nice job."

01 Radio Babel
02 Ha zászlót bont a félelem
03 Szél repítse lelkem
04 A túlélők dala
05 Veszett világ
06 Elrejtettél a szívedben
07 Az utolsó pohár
08 Az édentől keletre
09 Eljön majd a nap
10 Az utolsó dal
Link to download:
about the band:
Excellent Hungarian progressive band started 1975 , similar to Solaris yet far more prolific. Best known for their stunning masterpiece and second album Huseg, East would go on to make a few more, and all of them very inconsistent. Basically the better the album, the harder to find. Huseg is a very lush symphonic/fusion album that hints of Marillion (but never that simple) or Camel or even Eloy in their symphonic period. Symphomaniacs will love this! Now out on Japanese CD.
Formed around 1979, East got rather poppy later on. Their early stuff is better with excellent vocals on the first 2 albums. Sodom is instrumental.
East were a band from Hungary who released a handful of albums, but Huseg stands out as a masterpiece of the genre. The music is very symphonic, built on a strong foundation of keyboards and guitar, and comes off as music with the melodic style of mid-period Genesis, but with a more aggressive edge in terms of guitar and keyboard lead passages that clearly showcase the technical proficiency of the musicians. Non-English vocals are present at times, but they do not intrude and fit very well into the context of the music.
Many people speak of Hüseg as a progressive "classic" and a must-buy. If you love the symphonic style, maybe, but otherwise I don't agree. While East offers the technical profiency and style that I appreciate, the writing leaves me a bit thirsty. It's that old "You play rhythm while I solo then I'll play rhythm while you solo" approach that turns me off. The musicians have a fair amount of talent but the arrangements are simple enough for amateur songwriters to pull off. OK, maybe I'm being a little harsh but that's how I feel. If you like the symphonic style you'll probably like Hüseg. If you're looking for something new, look somewhere else.
Játekók is poppy and boring. I was very disappointed with it. Not really prog at all, more like '70s easy listening music with spacy keyboards. Hüseg is much improved. Far more progressive, it has a typical "high-tech" aspect that will appeal to fans of other East Euro bands such as Exodus, SBB, Autograph and the like. -- Mike Ohman

Játékok (1981)
Hűség (1982)
Rések a falon (1983)
Az áldozat (1984)
1986 (1986)
A Szerele Sivataga (1988)
Taking The Wheel (1993)
Rádio Bábel (1994)
That's really sounds great!!
Thanks to introducing me to 'East'. Hope it will be possible to revive links for RÉSEK A FALON (1983) and RÁDIO BÁBEL (1994)
thx again
this blog is amazing, grat post
the links of the albums of East band has been deleted, please repost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A repostból én is elcsíptem a Rések a Falon és a Rádio Bábel albumot 2007 novemberében. Ez utóbbit nagyon megkedveltem,SUPER ALBUM!
Köszönet ezért is Salty!
Re-up please!!!
REPOST (10.2009) enjoy!
Játékok (1981)
Hűség (1982)
Rések A Falon (1983)
Az Áldozat (1984)
A Szerelem Sivataga (1988)
Rádió Bábel (1994)
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